Till the end


长大是一个什么样的概念呢?如果从一开始,孩子的世界唯你,到后来,开始不断的接触整个的时间序列,在这个不确定(uncertainty or ambiguity?)的旅途里,相识了陌生人,邂逅了熟悉的脸孔,与爱转角擦肩,在黄昏的街道向昨日挥手,故地重游的回到起点,孩子的世界,依旧,唯你。普鲁斯特是一个永远的孩子,终日在阴暗的角落里,承受哮喘之重,他有句话,说,唯一的乐园,是人们失去的乐园。可是,从机械论(physics)的角度说,不对,因为如若此刻的乐园已经殆尽,这等同说,此刻非现在,那么昨日的乐园,已经何去何从?

前些天,看一个科普短片,说到宇宙与时间的源起,爱氏的广义相对论(General Relativity?)认为宇宙应该是一个有序平整的世界,而量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)却反其道而论,说构成宏观世界物质的微粒,如质子,中子,乃至更加微笑的夸克,却是在日复一日的演绎不确定的话剧。后来的玄学说(String Theory)认为有更加合理的解释,甚至物质本身也可能是由众多看不见(就目前的手段而言)玄(String)组成。如若果真此般,整个宇宙有十一个维度(dimensions)组合而成,世界,我的,你的,我们的,却原来在玄的众多运动轨迹里,交错运行着。

可是,我要告诉你,在这样的未知中,有我所确定的,说过的诺言看到的星空,转角的微笑牵手的彩虹,真理与爱。Nash获得诺贝尔做的一个演讲,说,You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons. Rene Descartes有一个有趣的哲学观点,我思,故我在。而在那个疯狂的年代,也有形似且神同的口号,人有多大胆,地有多大产。教科书告诉我们说这些是唯心学派,可是我要告诉你,我相信你在,在我的世界里。

时间是否有终点(the end )呢?可是孩子终会找到归宿。它在你那,在你的方向上。

all these precious moments
with you by my side
must be a gift from heaven
that ‘s holding me all night
i don ‘t know how i found you
i ‘m thankful that i have
now that i have a love so true
to hold ,
to keep ,
to share
in my heart ,
i can no longer hold inside
all of the love i used to hide
i ‘ll always be
with you untill the very end
in this world ,
there is no place i ‘d rather be
you are my life ,
my soul ,
my girl
and through it all
i know
that you ‘ve come to see
thatyou ‘re the one
till the end
all my friend around me
say you ‘d be gone too soon
baby ,
i ‘m gonna make them see
we ‘ve found our way
back home
in my heart ,
i can no longer
hold inside
all of the love
i used to hide
i ‘ll always be
with you untill the very end
in this world ,
there is no place
i ‘d rather be
you are my life ,
my soul ,
my girl
and through
it all
i know that
you ‘ve come to see that
you ‘re the one
till the end
we ‘ll always be
till the end
