ASDP 下载mp3
ADSP(Algo + Data Structure = Programming) 是一个优秀的播客网站,经常邀请一些编程界的大佬的探讨技术性话题,截止目前(2022-10-20)已经录制正好100期节目了。
该网站同时还提供了音频下载,方便用户离线收听。不过对于懒人如我者(程序员福利),当然想着使用脚本来自动化下载了。话不多说,show the code。
ADSP(Algo + Data Structure = Programming) 是一个优秀的播客网站,经常邀请一些编程界的大佬的探讨技术性话题,截止目前(2022-10-20)已经录制正好100期节目了。
该网站同时还提供了音频下载,方便用户离线收听。不过对于懒人如我者(程序员福利),当然想着使用脚本来自动化下载了。话不多说,show the code。
之前一直有遇到需要转换 bash 字符串大小写的问题。
使用 VIm 打开 Ansi 颜色的文件。
In this document we discuss best practices for using EASTL. The primary emphasis is on performance with a secondary emphasis on correctness and maintainability. Some best practices apply only to some situations, and these will be pointed out as we go along. In order to be easily digestible, we present these practices as a list of items in the tone of the Effective C++ series of books.
so that NERDTree always opens in the current folder.
to open NERDTree.