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eastl best practices

In this document we discuss best practices for using EASTL. The primary emphasis is on performance with a secondary emphasis on correctness and maintainability. Some best practices apply only to some situations, and these will be pointed out as we go along. In order to be easily digestible, we present these practices as a list of items in the tone of the Effective C++ series of books.

nerdtree 自动切换到当前目录

set autochdir
let NERDTreeChDirMode=2
nnoremap <leader>n :NERDTree .<CR>

so that NERDTree always opens in the current folder.

  • With the 1st line, the working directory is always the one where the active buffer is located.
  • With the 2nd line, I make sure the working directory is set correctly.
  • With the 3rd line, I hit <leader>n to open NERDTree.